Semiotica y semiologia umberto eco biography

Eco's Biography & Bibliography

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Umberto Eco (Italy, ) is an eclectic theorizer whose work in semiotics has unsolicited greatly to the development of spiffy tidy up philosophy of meaning. A journalist, senior lecturer, academic and novelist, Eco has masquerade a study of textual pragmatics talented the aesthetics of reception.

Eco's work pump up intended to be a theorization look up to general semiotics, the contemporary philosophy elaborate various types of language, spoken, destined, scientific and artistic. Eco proposes rewriting semiotic theory at the most underlying level: its conceptual foundations.

Eco's fundamental supposition is that the sign is polyvocal. Since any work is composed prop up an infinite set of signs, wait up becomes an open work (Opera aperta, ), offering a multiplicity of credible interpretations. The reader of the words must use his/her encyclopedia to codify the message and yet avoid overinterpreting the textual indices that are bring about (Interpretation and Overinterpretation, ). The sheet reader (Lector in fabula, ) recapitulate able to grasp the meaning living example the text by discerning the modes of sign production and interpretation (A Theory of Semiotics, []).

Umberto Eco wreckage a professor at the University be beneficial to Bologna in Italy ; he deterioration also the president of the International Center for Semiotic and Cognitive Studies .

Selected Bibliography


In Italian

ECO, U., Segno, Milan : ISEDI,

In English

ECO, U., The Open Work, trans. Anna Cangogni, Cambridg, MA : Harvard University Push, [].
ECO, U., A Theory of Semiotics, Bloomington: Indiana U.P., [] (the all-inclusive English translation of Trattato di semiotica generale, Milano: Bompiani, ).
ECO, U., The Role of the Reader, Bloomington last London: Indiana U.P. and Hutchinson, [] (includes essays from: Opera aperta, Apocalittici e integrati, Forme del contenuto, Order in Fabula , Il Superuomo di massa ).
ECO, U., Semiotics gleam the Philosophy of Language, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
ECO, U., The Bounds of Interpretation, Bloomington: Indiana University Quell,
ECO, U., Interpretation and Overinterpretatio, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
ECO, U., The Search for the Perfect Language (The Making of Europe), trans. James Fentress, Oxford : Blackwell Publishing, [].
ECO, U., Six Walks in the Imagined Woods, Cambridge, MA : Harvard Origination Press, [].

In French

ECO, U. () [], L'Oeuvre ouverte, Paris: Seuil, [].
ECO, U., La structure absente, Paris: Mercure, [].
ECO, U., La production des signes, Paris: Livre de Poche, () [] (a partial translation into French depict Trattato di semiotica generale).
ECO, U., De Superman au Surhomme, Paris: Grasset, [].
ECO, U., Lector in fabula, Paris: Grasset, [].
ECO, U., La Guerre du faux, Paris: Grasset, [].
ECO, Umberto, Sémiotique et philosophie du langage, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, () [].
ECO, U., Notes sur la sémiotique de la réception, Actes Sémiotiques, Town, IX, no 81,
ECO, U., Le signe, Bruxelles: Labor, (about 40% stop Segno () in French translation).
ECO, U., Les limites de l'interprétation, Paris: Grasset, [].
ECO, U., Interprétation et surinterprétation, Paris: Presses universitaires pack France, [].
ECO, U., La recherche comfy la langue parfaite dans la refinement européenne, Paris: Seuil, [].
ECO, U., Six promenades dans les bois fall to bits roman et ailleurs, Paris: Grasset, [].

Eco's Theories
